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Bringing EUPATI Patient Experts and researchers together


Would you like to involve a EUPATI Patient Expert in your patient engagement initiative or opportunity?

EUPATI Patient Expert

Update your profile to share your knowledge and participate in patient engagement opportunities today.

Why EUPATIConnect?

EUPATIConnect is a place where both EUPATI Patient Experts and researchers can connect, to create mutually beneficial opportunities and to enhance the future of patient engagement.

Large database of EUPATI Fellows
We can connect you with 200+ EUPATI Patient Experts from over 100+ disease areas. We also have over 300+ EUPATI Open Classroom learners who have expertise in 1 or more EUPATI learning modules.
International Network
of EUPATI Fellows
Our Patient Experts come from over
39 number of countries.
Proficiency of Language
Fluency in English is a requirement of the EUPATI training programme therefore our patients have a high degree of fluency in English. However, as our Patient Experts hail from all over the world many also have proficiency in a second or third language.
Scientific and Health Literacy
High level of knowledge of the medicines R&D process coupled with a high level of literacy in health and scientific terms. Our modules include Non-Clinical and Clinical Development, Health Technology Assessment, Regulatory Affairs.
Strongly Motivated
Patients Experts come to EUPATI driven internally by their desire to learn and change the future of patient engagement. As a result, they are strongly motivated to partner with researchers and to provide input, advice and feedback on all aspects of the medicines R&D process.
Changing The Future Landscape of Patient Engagement
Our partners and Patient Experts regularly share their experience of working together on research projects. In turn, these experiences often become case studies within our Patient Expert toolbox, thereby enhancing learning for future generations of Patient Experts to come.
Quality of Training
We pride ourselves on the thorough and rigorous training of the EUPATI Programme. All content has been created via a rigorous multistakeholder (patient, academic and industry) process to ensure the highest standard of patient engagement education.
Opportunity to Share Knowledge
EUPATIConnect provides a unique opportunity for EUPATI Fellows to share their knowledge, advance the patient engagement agenda and demonstrate their availability to be involved in future research opportunities and projects.
Building New Connections
EUPATIConnect provides EUPATI Fellows and Open Classroom learners the opportunity to build new connections as part of the large EUPATI Network.
EUPATI National Platforms with Local Connections

EUPATI has National Platforms in over 23 countries a number of which are currently running their own local versions of the course (Ireland, Italy & The Netherlands). Therefore, if you require specific local expertise, we can also connect you with our local ENPs.

hours of online training
8 days
of intensive classroom training
EUPATI Fellows
EUPATI Open Classroom Learners
disease areas
number of countries
of languages spoken
What People are Saying